Why subscribe?

This is The Midlife Change Maker, a newsletter for doctors. Imagine a healthcare system where doctors' ideals and talents shine, where they are seen, heard, and valued as individuals. Let's create a system that empowers doctors to deliver the compassionate care they dreamed of, fuelled by the resources and passion that inspired them to become healers.

I Help Doctors Thrive in Their Careers

Are you feeling overwhelmed, trapped, or unfulfilled in your medical career? You're not alone. I help doctors transform work crises into powerful change by focusing on the positives, enhancing the everyday, and transforming the negatives. Whether you choose to stay in a role that brings you joy or decide to take your talents elsewhere, I'll guide you to a medical career that truly fulfils you.

I am Lucinda Homer a coach and medical doctor with a portfolio career. I help doctors transform work crises into powerful change by focusing on the positives, enhancing the everyday, and transforming the negatives. Whether you choose to stay in a role that brings you joy or decide to take your talents elsewhere, I'll guide you to a medical career that truly fulfils you.

Why? I Understand Your Struggle

Because I've Been There Too

In my 40s, I was a Consultant Anaesthetist, wife, and mother of two. On the surface, I had it all – a successful career and a happy life at home. But I was trying so hard to be perfect at both that I burned out. I felt trapped in a failing system and desperately wanted my life to change.

Deep down, I knew I was unhappy at work, but the thought of changing careers filled me with fear and shame. It took me a long time to realise that for my life to change, I needed to change. I needed to be brave enough to try new things.

My Journey to Transformation

Years of Self-Coaching and Learning

I immersed myself in books, podcasts, courses, and workshops, gathering new skills along the way. I effectively coached myself, but it took seven long years. My winding career path eventually led me to discover the power of coaching, and it changed my life.

Fast-Track Your Transformation with My Expertise

Leverage My Experience as a Doctor and Executive Coach

Now, I use all my knowledge, skills, and experience as a doctor, medical educator, mentor, and qualified executive coach to help you achieve your goals much faster than I did. You don't have to navigate this journey alone.

I have a free monthly newsletter called “One Small Thing - helping you to make one small change at a time. Small changes that will make a massive impact to your life.”

I start my NEW paid membership in August 2024 - “Beyond Success - Redefining Success for Doctors: Insights, Inspiration, and Strategies for a Fulfilling Career and Life."

What to expect every month:

  1. One monthly public post to my newsletter “One Small Thing.”

  2. One monthly long form post on a topic to help you redefine success in your own terms. There will be a voice/video version too.

  3. One monthly webinar with me, on Zoom, where we will dig into the topic. I will email every month with the date/time and a link to book the event. You will have access to the recording to watch on catch up if you cannot make the live event.

  4. A private thread for community chat.

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Subscribe to The Midlife Change Maker

I help doctors transform work crises into powerful change by focusing on the positives, enhancing the everyday, and transforming the negatives.


I refuse to sit and watch another brilliant, successful woman reach her 40s and 50s and slide into invisibility. If you are sick of doing what you think you should do instead of what you want to do, then you have come to the right place.