Dr Lucinda Homer Coaching
Hello there,
I did something new this weekend. I was the model for a make up master class and consequently had an amazing make over by a professional make up artist. It was a really interesting experience and, at its heart, had all the hallmarks of any transformation process for several reasons.
Most of us find the concept of transformation scary and I think it is one of the most common blockers that my clients find holding them back. I was terrified of change even though I knew that I wanted my life to be different. Sometimes starting with a seemingly unrelated transformation can help as a bit of a warm up.
So on Saturday these are some of themes that came up for me...
I got to step outside my comfort zone. I like wearing make up and I don't often go out with no make up on. But that was the deal this Saturday. A clean canvas was required.
I don't like to be the centre of attention, but I willingly sat in front of an audience being observed going from no make up to glammed up. It was weird, I did not have the usual palpitations or sweaty palms when I was at the front. I was simply curious to see what happened and had total faith in the man with the expertise.
I had no control over the colours or how much make up was being used. I like makeup to look natural and I also like to be in control, so handing over how bright it might be to someone else was a touch scary. The lipsticks and eye shadows on the table were bright!
I got to feel how the makeup was applied and that was one of the most instructive parts of the experience. I had previously been in the audience watching and learning the tips and tricks. I had no idea about the lightness of touch. I am more of a dauber and my application techniques are far more akin to painting a wall and then removing the excess with a tissue! I thrive on learning by doing, and left the session armed with new products to try. I am already better at applying less make up, in the correct place and with a lightness of touch.
The morning really was the definition of "me time." It served no purpose other than spending my time relaxing and being girly me. More often than not I spend far too much of my time being professional me.
I left feeling fabulous and was secretly pleased that we had friends coming over for dinner. Even the prep felt good, I have never cleaned and cooked looking quite so glamorous before. Note to self: feeling good and music make domestic chores much more bearable. I did stop short of using the word "fun" there, because I don't want to go too far!
When I was in the middle of my own midlife makeover, one of the books that I read was called "Staging your comeback." I was fed up of feeling frumpy and had no idea how to do style in my 40s. It was bad enough trying to get it right in my 20s, but at least we looked "vaguely" like the 20 something models in all of the magazines.
The book was all about style and how to work out what to do when you can no longer rely on the same clothes and make up that served you well in your 20s. It was all about giving you the permission to look and feel great as you got older.
On reflection, my make up transformation on Saturday was a mini version of how I approached my career change.
An open mind and willingness to go outside my comfort zone.
An acceptance that things are not always in my control and that handing over control can yield surprising results.
That it is more than OK to spend time on myself with no other purpose than to be me. No expectations or preformed ideas of how I should behave or look.
Experiencing things in different ways can be incredibly instructive and help with learning.
Wellbeing and feeling good makes me a better leader at home and in my professional life.
Confidence is at the heart of what you feel able to do. Feeling good on the inside and outside makes a big difference to how you show up and what you can achieve.
Transformation can start out small. It was one baby step towards feeling more confident and ready to take the next step.
This was the finished result.
If you are interested in redefining your stye, ​Kirsty Mack​ is brilliant at advising on your colours and style and the amazing ​Paul Herrington​ ran the make up master class.
New things...
I am launching a new group programme at the start of April. It is called "Staging your comeback." It will have places for eight amazing women and if you would like to join the wait list to find out more,​ please sign up here.​
Something else to read...
Can these seven tips help you become a ‘supercommunicator’?
Lauren Mechling
Prefer audio? Then check this out...
"Lucinda Chambers (former Vogue fashion director) and Sam Baker discuss a midlife style masterclass"
The Shift with Sam Baker
Coaching Prompt
"When were you last at your most confident??"
Think about the last time you felt truly alive being you. It might help to think about what you loved to do when you were little. I loved the freedom I felt from riding my bike.
3 songs long
I chose 3 songs for the playlist because it lasts for 10 minutes (ish). That 10 minutes is the perfect length of time for you to either listen, relax, do an exercise snack, walk round the block, or do anything you fancy to music (go wild with your imagination). You can listen to my playlist or make one of your own.
That's it for this week. If you would like to explore how to take the next steps please ​check out my website​ to find out more about working with me. I have two 1-2-1 places available for March. ​I would love to chat with you​ to see how I can help you to get unstuck.
Don't forget to sign up for my group programme waitlist ​"Staging your comeback."​
Love from,
Lucinda x